Friday, July 20, 2012

Reactive Arthritis v. Reiter's Syndrome

Reactive Arthritis. What should this disease be called? Does a physician convicted of war crimes against people under his care deserve to be honored by calling a disease after him?

The question of what to call this syndrome stems from the fact Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (February 26, 1881 – November 25, 1969), who was a German physician, described the syndrome in 1916. Reiter was not the first person to describe this condition but he was an energetic and long lived self-promoter, and the name Reiter’s Syndrome eventually caught on.

Read more: Reactive Arthritis v. Reiter's Syndrome

What is reactive arthritis?

Should a physician convicted of war crimes against people under his care be honored by calling a disease after him?

I just posted a new Ezine article:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Watch it now!

The pickling cucumbers how-to video is now up on Youtube:

How to Pickle Cucumbers - Day One

Just posted the recipe and explanation fro making these sour pickles on my blog:

And the how-to video is coming very soon...

Just posted my recipe for making sour pickles:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The 17 Secrets from Conquering Arthritis

Because of the severity of my arthritis, I once used an electric cart to get around. Because of the 17 Secrets for Conquering Arthritis, I am now completely arthritis free.

Learn how I healed myself in this free DVD: